YDB Posix
YDBPosix is a plugin that allows M application code to use selected POSIX functionality; it does not implement the underlying functionality. A set of low level C functions closely matching their corresponding POSIX functions act as a software shim to connect M code to POSIX functions. A set of higher level entryrefs make the functionality available in form more familiar to M programmers. M application code is free to call either level.
As C application code can call POSIX functions directly, the plugin has no value to C application code.
When installed in the $ydb_dist/plugin
directory, YDBPosix consists of the following files:
– a shared library with the C software shimsydbposix.xc
– a call-out table to allow M code to call the functions inlibydbposix.so
– M source code for higher level^%ydbposix
entryrefs that M application code can call.r/_ydbposixtest.m
– M source code for%ydbposixtest
routine to test plugin withyottadb -run %ydbposix
– a shared library with M mode object code for^%ydbposix
– if YottaDB is installed with UTF-8 support, a shared library with UTF-8 mode object codeposix/libmath.ref
- reference data for%ydbposixtest
As a YottaDB plugin, YDBPosix requires YottaDB. Install YottaDB and YDBPosix together:
mkdir /tmp/tmp ; wget -P /tmp/tmp https://gitlab.com/YottaDB/DB/YDB/raw/master/sr_unix/ydbinstall.sh
cd /tmp/tmp ; chmod +x ydbinstall.sh
sudo ./ydbinstall.sh --utf8 --posix
Omit the --utf8
option if you do not want UTF-8 support installed. If you already have YottaDB installed, use sudo $ydb_dist/ydbinstall --posix --plugins-only --overwrite-existing
to install or reinstall YDBPosix without reinstalling YottaDB.
If you don't use the Quickstart method, you can install YDBPosix from source. In addition to YottaDB and its requirements, YDBPosix requires cmake
, gcc
, git
, make
, and pkg-config
. Clone the YDBPosix repository, and then install the plugin, using the following commands:
git clone https://gitlab.com/YottaDB/Util/YDBPosix YDBPosix-master
cd YDBPosix-master
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make && sudo make install
Testing the POSIX plugin needs an environment to be created. This can be done with the following commands:
export ydb_dir=`mktemp -d`
source /usr/local/etc/ydb_env_set
Once the environment has been set up yottadb -run %ydbposixtest
can be executed to test the POSIX plugin installation.
The expected output of yottadb -run %ydbposixtest
is as below; manually verify whether the statement about Daylight Savings Time is correct.
PASS Invocation
PASS $zhorolog
Daylight Savings Time is not in effect
PASS mktime()
PASS Microsecond resolution
PASS regmatch^%ydbposix 1
PASS regfree^%ydbposix
PASS REGMATCH^%ydbposix 1
PASS REGFREE^%ydbposix
PASS regmatch^%ydbposix 2
PASS REGMATCH^%ydbposix 2
PASS regmatch^%ydbposix 3
PASS REGMATCH^%ydbposix 3
PASS regmatch^%ydbposix 3
PASS REGMATCH^%ydbposix 3
PASS regmatch^%ydbposix 4
PASS REGMATCH^%ydbposix 4
PASS regmatch^%ydbposix 5
PASS REGMATCH^%ydbposix 5
PASS mktmpdir
PASS statfile.times
PASS statfile.ids
PASS filemodeconst^%ydbposix
PASS signal
PASS syslog1
PASS syslog2
PASS setenv
PASS unsetenv
FAIL rmdir
PASS mkdir
PASS Nanosecond resolution
For use by YottaDB, the environment variable ydb_xc_ydbposix
must point to ydbposix.xc
(which is installed at $ydb_dist/plugin/ydbposix.xc
by make install
); and the environment variable ydb_routines
must allow YottaDB processes to find the %ydbposix entryrefs. This includes a $ydb_routines
term of the form $ydb_dist/plugin/o/_ydbposix.so
for M mode processes and $ydb_dist/plugin/o/utf8/_ydbposix.so
for UTF-8 mode processes.
The $ydb_dist/ydb_env_set
file that you can source to set environment variables and the $ydb_dist/ydb
script to run YottaDB automatically define appropriate values for $ydb_xc_ydbposix
and $ydb_routines
to allow processes to execute ydbposix.
(High level) ^%ydbposix entryrefs
Except for any entryrefs starting with $$, which must be called as functions, ^%ydbposix entryrefs as described below can be called either as functions or with a DO. Except where noted, each entryref can be invoked in either all upper-case or all lower-case, but not with mixed case. These entryrefs have no abbreviations.
Changes the permissions of a file to those specified, whether in symbolic or numeric representation.
Retrieves the time of the specified clock, in symbolic or numeric representation, with nanosecond resolution. Note that nanosecond resolution does not mean nanosecond accuracy.
Given a symbolic clock ID as a string,, e.g., "CLOCK_REALTIME", returns the numeric value of that clock. See also the description of $&ydbposix.clockval()
Copy a file, preserving its permissions.
Given a symbolic file mode as a string,, e.g., "S_IRWXU", returns the numeric value of that mode. See also the description of $&ydbposix.filemodeconst()
Given a directory name as a string, and a mode, as either a symbolic or numeric value, creates the directory.
Converts a broken-down time structure to calendar time representation, populating variables to contain the day of the week, day of the year, daylight saving status, and UNIX time.
With a directory name template ending in "XXXXXX" creates a directory with a unique name, replacing the "XXXXXX" to return the name of the directory created in template.
Retrieves the canonicalized absolute pathname to the file specified by name and stores it in realpath.
Given the name of a variable with a compiled regular expression as a string, frees the memory and ZKILLs the variable. Note that regfree() requires a variable name to be passed in as a string. For example, after regmatch^%ydbposix("AIXHP-UXLinuxSolaris","ux","REG_ICASE",,.matches,1)
, the call to regfree to release the memory would be regfree^%ydbposix("%ydbposix(""regmatch"",""ux"",%ydbposix(""regmatch"",""REG_ICASE""))")
Regular expression matching in string str for pattern patt, compiling the pattern if needed using
and matching usingregmatch()
.pattflags condition the pattern compilation with
.matchflags condition the matching performed by
. To pass multiple flags, simply add the numeric values of the individual flags as provided by$$regsymval^%ydbposix()
.maxresults specifies the maximum number of matches.
The function returns results as an array, where the value of
provides the starting character position for the nth match, and the value ofmatchresults(n,"end")
provides the character position for the first character after a match; e.g.$extract(str,matchresults(2,"start"),matchresults(2,"end")-1)
returns the second matching substring.
When called as a function, regmatch^%ydbposix
returns 1 on successful match and 0 if there was no match. On a successful match, the function KILLs all prior data in matchresults and otherwise leaves it unchanged. After a failed compilation, %ydbposix("regcomp","errno")
contains the error code from errlog(). When the match encounters an error (as opposed to a failure to match), %ydbposix("regexec","errno")
contains the value of errno. Local variable nodes %ydbposix("regmatch",patt,pattflags)
contain descriptors of compiled patterns and must not be modified by your application code. Be sure to read Memory Usage Considerations, below. Refer to man regex
for more information about regular expressions and pattern matching.
Returns the numeric value of a symbolic constant used in regular expression pattern matching, such as "REG_ICASE". Also, it provides the sizes of certain structures that M code needs to have access to, when provided as strings, such as sizeof(regex_t)
, sizeof(regmatch_t)
, and sizeof(regoff_t)
Removes a directory. For the call to succeed, the directory must be empty.
Sets an environment variable to the specified value, overwriting or preserving the existing value as indicated. Note that this function is deprecated and retained for backward compatibility. Use VIEW SETENV instead.
Provides information about file f in nodes of local variable s. All prior nodes of s are deleted. When called as a function, statfile returns 1 unless the underlying call to stat() failed. Refer to man 2 stat
for more information.
Creates a symbolic link to a file with the specified name.
Obtains the value of the specified configuration option and saves it into the provided container.
Given a symbolic configuration option as a string,, e.g., "ARG_MAX", returns the numeric value of that option. See also the description of $&ydbposix.sysconfval()
Provides a mechanism to log messages to the system log. format defaults to "%s", facility to "LOG_USER" and level to "LOG_INFO". When called as a function, syslog returns 1. Refer to man syslog
for more information. Unless you really need the fine-grained control this offers, $ZSYSLOG() should suffice for most needs.
Given a symbolic syslog priority as a string,, e.g., "LOG_ALERT", returns the numeric value of that priority. See also the description of $&ydbposix.syslogval()
Unsets an environment variable. Note that this function is deprecated and retained for backward compatibility. Use VIEW UNSETENV instead.
Sets the current user's file mode creation mask, passed in as a symbolic or numeric value, and returns the previous mask's numeric value in the second argument.
Updates the access and modification timestamps of a file. The implemented functionality is equivalent to a "touch" command.
Returns the version of the ydbposix plugin.
Provides the time in $horolog format, but with microsecond resolution of the number of seconds since midnight. Note that microsecond resolution does not mean microsecond accuracy. This function is deprecated and retained for backward compatibility. Consider using $ZHOROLOG instead.
(High level) ^%ydbposix Math Functions
These functions are wrappers around the low level Libm functions, described in the next section.
All functions return the output, and the error is in an reference variable. If error is 0, it was successful; if error < 0, an error occurred.
YDB>set output=$$exp^%ydbposix(x,.error)
The exp function returns the exponential value of the number x, x if it is executed successfully. That is, the result is e^x.
$$log^%ydbposix(x,.error), $$log10^%ydbposix(x,.error)
The log function returns the logarithm of a number (base e). The log10 function returns the logarithm of a number (based 10). If x<0, these functions will return an error.
$$cos^%ydbposix(x,.error), $$sin^%ydbposix(x,.error)
The sin/cos functions return the sine/cosine of the number x.
$$arcsin^%ydbposix(x,.error), $$arccos^%ydbposix(x,.error)
The acos function returns the arccosine of the number x. The asin function returns the arcsin of the number x. If x<-1 or x>1, acos/asin returns an error (success==-1)
The tan function returns the tangent of the number x.
The function calculates the arctangent of the number x.
Calculates the square root of the number x. If the value of x<0, returns an error.
$$cosh^%ydbposix(x,.error), $$sinh^%ydbposix(x,.error), $$tanh^%ydbposix(x,.error)
Calculates the hyperbolic cosine of the number x. Calculates the hyperbolic sine of the number x. Calculates the hyperbolic tangent of the number x.
$$acosh^%ydbposix(x,.error), $$asinh^%ydbposix(x,.error), $$atanh^%ydbposix(x,.error)
Calculates the inverse hyperbolic cosine, sine, tangent. For acosh, if the value x<1 returns an error. For atanh, if x<-1 or x>1 will return an error.
Calculates the upper limit of the value.
Calculates the absolute value of the number x.
Rounds the value down to an integer.
Calculates the value of x raised to the power of y.
Calculates the remainder of the number.
Defines the positive difference between the numbers x and y.
Defines the larger value of x and y.
Defines the smallest value of x and y.
Multiplies x and y and adds z.
Examples of ^%ydbposix usage
Below are examples of usage of high level entryrefs in ^%ydbposix. The file _ydbposixtest.m contains examples of use of the functions in ydbposix.
YDB>set str="THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER the lazy dog"
YDB>write:$$regmatch^%ydbposix(str,"the",,,.result) $extract(str,result(1,"start"),result(1,"end")-1)
YDB>write:$$regmatch^%ydbposix(str,"the","REG_ICASE",,.result) $extract(str,result(1,"start"),result(1,"end")-1)
YDB>set retval=$$statfile^%ydbposix($ztrnlnm("ydb_dist")_"/yottadb",.stat) zwrite stat
YDB>write stat("mode")\$$filemodeconst^%ydbposix("S_IFREG")#2 ; It is a regular file
YDB>write $$version^%ydbposix
(Low Level) ydbposix calls
The high level entryrefs in ^%ydbposix access low level functions in ydbposix.c that directly wrap POSIX functions. Unless otherwise noted, functions return 0 for a successful completion, and non-zero otherwise. Note that some POSIX functions only return success, and also that a non-zero return value triggers a "%YDB-E-ZCSTATUSRET, External call returned error status" YottaDB runtime error for your $ETRAP or $ZTRAP error handler. Where errno
is the last argument passed by reference, it takes on the value of the errno from the underlying system call.
The ydbposix YottaDB interface to call out to POSIX functions is a low-level interface designed for use by programmers rather than end-users. Misuse, abuse and bugs can result in programs that are fragile, hard to troubleshoot and potentially insecure.
Changes the permissions of a file to those specified. See man 2 chmod
for more infornmation.
Returns the time of the specified clock in seconds and nanoseconds. See man clock_gettime
on your POSIX system for more information.
Takes a symbolic clock ID constant in fmsymconst and returns the numeric value in symval. If no such constant exists, the return value is non-zero. Please see the clock_gettime()
function man page for the list of available clocks.
Copy file source to dest, preserving its permissions. Note that this function is not a wrapper to a single POSIX function but a basic POSIX-conformant implementation of the cp command available on most UNIX OSs.
Takes a symbolic regular file mode constant in fmsymconst and returns the numeric value in symval. If no such constant exists, the return value is non-zero. Currently supported fmsymconst constants are the following. Please see stat()
function man page for their meaning.
Provides the current "soft" limit of the resource for the process. See man getrlimit on your POSIX system for more information.
Returns the current time as the number of seconds since the UNIX epoch (00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970) and the number of microseconds within the current second. See man gettimeofday
on your POSIX system for more information.
Provides the uid for the current process.
Takes a time value in tvsec represented as a number of seconds from the epoch - for example as returned by gettimeofday() - and returns a number of usable fields for that time value. See man localtime
for more information.
Creates a directory dirname with the specified permissions. See man 2 mkdir
for more information.
With a template for a temporary directory name - the last six characters must be "XXXXXX" - creates a unique temporary directory and updates template with the name. See man mkdtemp
for more information.
Takes elements of POSIX broken-down time and returns time since the UNIX epoch in seconds in unixtime. Note that year is the offset from 1900 (i.e, 2014 is 114) and month is the offset from January (i.e., December is 11). wday is the day of the week offset from Sunday and yday is the day of the year offset from January 1 (note that the offsets of dates starting with March 1 vary between leap years and non-leap years). isdst should be initialized to one of 0, 1, or -1 as required by the POSIX mktime() function. If a $horolog value is the source of broken-down time, isdst should be -1 since YottaDB $horolog reflects the state of Daylight Savings time in the timezone of the process, but the M application code does not know whether or not Daylight Savings Time is in effect; on return from the call, it is 0 if Daylight Savings Time is in effect and 1 if it is not. See man mktime for more information.
Retrieves the canonicalized absolute pathname to the specified file and stores it in result. See man realpath
for more information.
Takes a regular expression regex, compiles it and returns a pointer to a descriptor of the compiled regular expression in pregstr. Application code must not modify the value of pregstr. cflags specifies the type of regular expression compilation. See man regex
for more information.
Takes a symbolic regular expression constant in regsymconst and returns the numeric value in symval. If no such constant exists, the return value is non-zero. The $$regsymval^%ydbposix() function uses $&ydbposix.regconst()
. Currently supported values of regsymconst are
"REG_NOTEOL", "sizeof(regex_t)", "sizeof(regmatch_t)", "sizeof(regoff_t)"
Takes a string in string and matches it against a previously compiled regular expression whose descriptor is in pregstr with matching flags in eflags, for which numeric values can be obtained from symbolic values with $$regconst^%ydbposix()
. nmatch is the maximum number of matches to be returned and pmatch is a predefined string in which the function returns information about substrings matched. pmatch must be initialized to at least nmatch times the size of each match result which you can effect with: set $zpiece(pmatch,$zchar(0),nmatch*$$regsymval("sizeof(regmatch_t)")+1)=""
matchsuccess is 1 if the match was successful, 0 if not. The return value is 0 for both successful and failing matches; a non-zero value indicates an error. See man regex
for more information.
Takes a descriptor for a compiled regular expression, as provided by $&ydbposix.regcomp()
and frees the memory associated with the compiled regular expression. After executing $&ydbposix.regfree()
, the descriptor can be safely deleted; deleting a descriptor prior to calling this function results in a memory leak because deleting the descriptor makes the memory used for the compiled expression unrecoverable.
On both little- and big-endian platforms, takes a sequence of bytes of size sizeof(regoff_t) and returns it as an integer. $$regsconst^%ydbposix("sizeof(regoff_t)")
provides the size of regoff_t. Always returns 0.
Removes a directory, which must be empty. See man 2 rmdir
for more information.
Sets the value of an environment variable. name is the name of an environment variable (i.e., without a leading "$") and value is the value it is to have ($char(0) cannot be part of the value). If the name already has a value, then overwrite must be non-zero in order to replace the existing value. See man setenv
for more information.
Takes a signal name (such as "SIGUSR1") and provides its value in sigval. A non-zero return value means that no value was found for the name. Currently supported signames are
Takes the name of a file in fname, and provides information about it. See man 2 stat
for more information.
Creates a symbolic link to a file with the specified name. See man symlink
for more information.
Obtains the value of the specified configuration option and saves it to value. The name argument needs to be a valid int understandable by sysconf() rather than a corresponding system-defined constant. For instance, _SC_ARG_MAX and _SC_2_VERSION's values should be used for ARG_MAX and POSIX2_VERSION options, respectively. Note that for certain limits the value of -1 can be legitimately returned, indicating that there is no definite limit. See man sysconf
for more information.
Takes a sysconf option name (such as "PAGESIZE") and provides the corresponding _SC… value in sigval. A non-zero return value means that no value was found for the name. Currently supported sysconf options are
Takes a priority, format and message to log on the system log. Priority is itself an OR of a facility and a level. See man syslog
for more information.
Takes a symbolic syslog facility or level name (e.g., "LOG_USER") in syslogsymconst and returns its value in syslogsymval. A non-zero return value means that a value was not found. Currently supported values of syslogsymconst are
Sets the current user's file mode creation mask and returns the previous mask in the second argument. See man umask
for more information.
Unsets the value of an environment variable. See man umask
for more information.
Updates the access and modification timestamps of a file. See man utimes
for more information.
contains examples of use of the low level ydbposix interfaces.
(Low Level) ydbposix Math Functions
All functions return the success value. If 0, it was successful; if success < 0, an error occurred.
YDB>set success=$&ydbposix.log10(1,.output)
The exp function returns the exponential value of the number x, x if it is executed successfully. That is, the result is e^x.
$&ydbposix.log(x,.out), $&ydbposix.log10(x,.out)
The log function returns the logarithm of a number (base e). The log10 function returns the logarithm of a number (based 10). If x<0, these functions will return an error.
$&ydbposix.cos(x,.out), $&ydbposix.sin(x,.out)
The sin/cos functions return the sine/cosine of the number x.
$&ydbposix.arcsin(x,.out), $&ydbposix.arccos(x,.out)
The acos function returns the arccosine of the number x. The asin function returns the arcsin of the number x. If x<-1 or x>1, acos/asin returns an error (success==-1)
The tan function returns the tangent of the number x.
The function calculates the arctangent of the number x.
Calculates the square root of the number x. If the value of x<0, returns an error.
$&ydbposix.cosh(x,.out), $&ydbposix.sinh(x,.out), $&ydbposix.tanh(x,.out)
Calculates the hyperbolic cosine of the number x. Calculates the hyperbolic sine of the number x. Calculates the hyperbolic tangent of the number x.
$&ydbposix.acosh(x,.out), $&ydbposix.asinh(x,.out), $&ydbposix.atanh(x,.out)
Calculates the inverse hyperbolic cosine, sine, tangent. For acosh, if the value x<1 returns an error. For atanh, if x<-1 or x>1 will return an error.
Calculates the upper limit of the value.
Calculates the absolute value of the number x.
Rounds the value down to an integer.
Calculates the value of x raised to the power of y.
Calculates the remainder of the number.
Defines the positive difference between the numbers x and y.
Defines the larger value of x and y.
Defines the smallest value of x and y.
Multiplies x and y and adds z.
The %ydbposix local variable
The ydbposix plugin uses the %ydbposix
local variable to store information pertaining to POSIX external calls. For example, a call to $®symval^%ydbposix("REG_NOTBOL")
that returns a numeric value also sets the node %ydbposix("regmatch","REG_NOTBOL")
to that value. Subsequent calls to $$regsymval^%ydbposix("REG_NOTBOL")
return the value stored in %ydbposix rather than calling out the low level function. This means that KILLs or NEWs that remove the value in %ydbposix
, result in a call to the low level function, and SETs of values may cause inappropriate results from subsequent invocations.
If your application already uses %ydbposix
for another purpose, you can edit _ydbposix.m
and replace all occurrences of %ydbposix with another available local variable name.
Memory Usage Considerations
When $&ydbposix.regcomp()
is called to compile a regular expression, it allocates needed memory, and returns a descriptor to the compiled code. Until a subsequent call to $&ydbposix.regfree()
with that descriptor, the memory is retained. The high level regmatch^%ydbposix()
entryref stores descriptors in %ydbposix("regmatch",...)
nodes. If an application deletes or modifies these nodes prior to calling $&ydbposix.regfree()
to release compiled regular expressions, that memory cannot be released during the life of the process. If your application uses scope management (using KILL and/or NEW) that adversely interacts with this, you should consider modifying _ydbposix.m to free the cached compiled regular expression immediately after the call to $&ydbposix.regexec()
, or to store the descriptors in a global variable specific to the process, rather than in a local variable.
Error Handling
Entryrefs within ^%ydbposix
except the top one (calling which is not meaningful), raise errors but do not set their own error handlers with $ETRAP or $ZTRAP. Application code error handlers should deal with these errors. In particular, note that non-zero function return values from $&ydbposix
functions result in ZCSTATUSRET errors.
Look at the end of _ydbposix.m
for errors raised by entryrefs in %ydbposix.